KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
11 months ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
KRO mathematicians used loose parts to create addition sentences.
4G showing off their MakerSpace builds in media
11 months ago, Jessica Telesmanich
girls with Lincoln log cabin they built
girls showing the magnet home they built
Digraph tic-tac-toe
11 months ago, Danielle Rowland
Digraph tic-tac-toe
Digraph tic-tac-toe
Digraph tic-tac-toe
Digraph tic-tac-toe
Digraph tic-tac-toe
Inspired by Anywhere Artist by Nikki Slade Robinson, KR created art from nature with Mrs. Viaud!
11 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
teacher reading
children creating
children creating
child with pictures
Students in KRO added illustrations to a poem in honor of Earth Day this week.
11 months ago, Danielle Rowland
Students in KRO added illustrations to a poem in honor of Earth Day this week.
KR enjoyed a song walk today! Thank you Mrs. Manzo for helping us read and sing the Washington School song!
11 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
children reading
children reading
children reading
KK students spent math outdoors today learning addition with natural loose parts!
11 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
boy adding pine cones
girl adding rocks
girl adding flowers
addition with wood chips
KK students are doing their part to keep our earth and the grounds of Washington School clean! 🌎🗑️
11 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
children on earth day
girl picking up garbage
children in woods picking up garbage
boys picking up garbage
MakerSpace with 4DP
11 months ago, Jessica Telesmanich
student showing her bristle block build
student showing her magnet build
student showing his magnet house
KK is so happy to be back in school to share all about their spring break travels and adventures! 🗺️
11 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
 classroom map with postcards
Happy Earth Day! KR is busy cleaning up the grounds at our school!
11 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
child picking up trash
children picking up trash
picking up traah
class photo
KD made cards to thank Veterans for their service. Yesterday, students had the opportunity to interview a Veteran, Corporal Brandon Funcheon, Mrs. Danon's brother! Funcheon shared his experiences while in the USMC and currently is a Federal Park Police Officer in Washington DC.
11 months ago, Julia Danon
children with Veteran from marine corps
class interviewing veteran
KD had a blast learning about the solar eclipse and being able to experience it for the first time!
11 months ago, Julia Danon
learning about the solar eclipse
child creating a total solar eclipse with play dough
class picture with solar eclipse glasses
child creating solar eclipse artwork
2L MakerSpace Fun
11 months ago, Jessica Telesmanich
students showing the magnetic tower they built
KRO excited for the solar eclipse
11 months ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO excited for the solar eclipse
KK students are ready for the solar eclipse! 😎
11 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
children with sunglasses and solar eclipse hats
KR is so excited for the solar eclipse!
11 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
children holding drawings
KK students all can't wait to visit our new rocks, gems and fossils provocation table!
11 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
students using magnifying classes to study rocks, gems and fossils
students studying gems and rocks
KK students choose ways to practice reading CVC words during Academic Choice time.
11 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
children playing a game
children playing a game
children playing a game
children playing a game
KR built our school community today! We were so happy to share our builds with the school personnel from the rooms we built!
11 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks
children with blocks