KR practicing writing and reading words in snow!
KR learning the story of five with snowballs!
KK students find stories in their paintings during story workshop!
Warm & Cozy on PJ Day! Happy Holidays from KRO!
KRO’s makerspace gingerbread houses
KRO had a fun winter celebration
Happy Holidays from KK!
The 4th grade classes designed t-shirts for teddy bears to give to the pediatric unit at Valley Hospital. ❤️ Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
KRO decorates clay gingerbread men with loose parts
Second graders playing Word Bump to practice their word study rules!! It's CRAZY HAIR DAY, too!!
KRO Writing Celebration!
1st & 5th grade book buddies worked together on the GingerbreadSTEM project. 1st graders learned about our community. Then, with their book buddies, constructed a building in our community that offers goods or services. To culminate the project, we had a Zoom meeting with a school in the Citrus County School district in Florida to compare our communities!
KRO creates snowflakes after listening to a snowflake story
2L MakerSpace: Holiday Swag Edition
KRO plays Ten Frame Scoot
Storybook workshop allows learners to explore, create and connect with their story ideas through play.
Students in KK manipulate magnetic letters to practice making new words or to reinforce words they already know how to spell. So exciting!
😊 KK
KR celebrated completion of our pattern books by reading to 1Z! Thank you 1Z for your thoughtful compliments!