Tic Tac Teen! KR practicing how to read teen numbers and to name the teen "nicknames!"
about 1 year ago, Jayne Ramirez
children playing game
KR continues to love block builds!
about 1 year ago, Jayne Ramirez
children building
Parter reading in KR! We love sharing our stories and discussing our books!
about 1 year ago, Jayne Ramirez
children reading
children reading
children reading
Partner reading
1C readers
about 1 year ago, Jessica Telesmanich
kids reading
3E fun in media!
about 1 year ago, Jessica Telesmanich
student with build
students smiling with blocks
After learning about the letter /o/, students in KK are given the ability to choose the way they will practice blending and reading words with /o/.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Kerin
children playing bingo
girls playing follow the path
boy working on roll and write
boy using QR codes to read words
Second graders playing Busting 100 to practice subtraction with regrouping!
about 1 year ago, Kelly Wogisch
Second graders practicing subtraction with regrouping!
Second graders practicing subtraction with regrouping!
Second graders practicing subtraction with regrouping!
Second graders practicing subtraction with regrouping!
Second graders practicing subtraction with regrouping!
Second graders practicing subtraction with regrouping!
5K’s Personal Narrative….. Memories they will never forget! ❤️🥰
about 1 year ago, Joanne Certo
5C’s Personal Narratives…..Memories they will never forget!! ❤️🥰
about 1 year ago, Joanne Certo
KRO had a wonderful time learning about Hanukkah traditions today.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO had a wonderful time learning about Hanukkah traditions today!
KRO had a wonderful time learning about Hanukkah traditions today!
KRO had a wonderful time learning about Hanukkah traditions today!
KRO had a wonderful time learning about Hanukkah traditions today!
KRO plays teen number bingo
about 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO plays teen number bingo
KRO plays teen number bingo
KRO plays teen number bingo
KRO plays teen number bingo
KRO writing partners check that sentences start with uppercase letters and end with a period.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO writing partners check that sentences start with uppercase letters and end with a period.
KRO writing partners check that sentences start with uppercase letters and end with a period.
KRO writing partners check that sentences start with uppercase letters and end with a period.
KRO orders numbers into the teens
about 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO orders numbers into the teens
KRO orders numbers into the teens
KRO orders numbers into the teens
1st Grade learned about fiber art and how artists use different materials like yarn to create artwork with! We then learned how to take yarn in patterns and tie it in a rya knot to a stick!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
5th was introduced to the value; creating lights and darks in our drawings to make them realistic. We then decided to add value to our pie drawings! We created four different types of pie and added value to each of them; in the crust and filling!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
In the studio, 4th graders learned about the art of creating Illuminated Manuscripts. We analyzed the use of themes, metallic colors, and borders inside the beautifully decorated books.We then used what we learned to create our own illuminated initials of our name!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
3rd examined and discussed what emphasis is; making something stand out in our artwork. To achieve this in our artwork, we are just making the middle of our picture colored and the rest will stay black and white! @WPSWashington @wyckoffschools
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
2nd learned about Keith Haring and how he creates people in motion! We learned how to draw people more realistic by connect shapes then made our people look like they are moving in our artwork by angling their arms and legs!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
K artists learned about the difference btw observational and abstract art! We first observed nature and created paintings, then we learned about Heather Galler and her abstract flowers! We created our own abstract flowers and compared them to our nature ones! #reggio
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
In the fall, 1st grade artists explored the work of Van Gogh! We learned about his paintings of sunflowers and which colors he used to create realistic renditions. We used our skills to draw the different shapes, paint the flowers, and add texture backgrounds!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud