4H practiced reading notation while playing the boomwhackers to the song "In the Hall of the Mountain King"
over 1 year ago, Brittany Manzo
students playing boomwhackers in the music room
students playing boomwhackers in the music room
students playing boomwhackers in the music room
KRO working on number sense
over 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO working on number sense
KRO working on number sense
KRO working on number sense
KRO working on number sense
Join us Wednesday 10/25 at 9:30 am for a Math Workshop for Parents by Magma Math. Generously hosted by the Wyckoff PTO Coordinating Council, this workshop will provide parents with a hands-on experience of Magma Math, the new tech resource for K-8 teachers and students in the Wyckoff School District. To register, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/2Nj4JCmxwtYkFLgi9
over 1 year ago, Wyckoff School District
Thankful for the break in the rain today so we could check out the fire trucks up close and learn about fire safety! Thank you WFD! 🚒🧯🧑‍🚒
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Kerin
children standing near fire truck
children looking at fire truck
children looking at fire truck
children looking at fire truck
5D loved using code to bring Marty the Robot V2 to life.
over 1 year ago, Heather Flanagan
students coding and watching Marty the robot follow their code
students coding and watching Marty the robot follow their
students coding and watching Marty the robot follow their
students coding and watching Marty the robot follow their
Sharing our collages! This special mixture of pictures provides writing inspiration for these first graders. It's also such a great way to get to know each other!
over 1 year ago, Allie Marrero
student showing his collage to the class using a document camera
student showing his collage to the class using a document camera
We love math games!
over 1 year ago, Allie Marrero
2 students playing a math game together
3 students playing a math game together
2 students playing a math game together
2 students playing a math game together
KRO enjoyed the Fire Prevention Assembly & fire truck visit
over 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO enjoyed the Fire Prevention Assembly & fire truck visit
KRO enjoyed the Fire Prevention Assembly & fire truck visit
Our survey closes soon! Please share your thoughts with us about the Wyckoff School District at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6KWX7KN Your feedback will inform our school district's Strategic Plan for the next five years. Thank you for your input! The survey closes at 5pm Friday.
over 1 year ago, Wyckoff School District
your  voice matters
5C’s Self Portraits….. Love these so much!
over 1 year ago, Joanne Certo
First set of self-portraits complete! 2RS not only captured their traits but also added patterns in the background to their art just like the artist Wiley!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Viaud
Creating the things we love to do with our families: 1. “We are playing outside! Playing with nature!” 2. “Me and my family like to go to the movie theater together.” 3. “This is my family at Disney land. We went on fun rides and I actually slept over for a week!”
over 1 year ago, Allie Marrero
student who made a light table creation
student who built a movie theater out of blocks
student drew his family at Disney
Practicing and seeing what our mouths do when we make the letter 'm' sound.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Kerin
girl looking in mirror
girl looking in mirror
girl looking in mirror
Week of Respect Kindness chalk!
over 1 year ago, Allie Marrero
class of students all together smiling
4 students drawing with sidewalk chalk
3 students happily drawing with chalk
2 students working together drawing a heart with chalk
5K working in small groups and using map skills to complete a breakout challenge
over 1 year ago, Jessica Telesmanich
boys working
girls working
boys working
KR loves reading!
over 1 year ago, Jayne Ramirez
kids reading
kids reading
kids reading
KR is enjoying our Art push-in! We are making windsocks to test out the direction of the wind! Thank you Mrs. Viaud for teaching us how to draw different types of weather!
over 1 year ago, Jayne Ramirez
children drawing
children drawinf
girl drawing
girl drawing
3G: building fun
over 1 year ago, Jessica Telesmanich
boy with legos
girl with legos
girls with log cabin
girls with Magnatiles
Join the Wyckoff School District as an instructional aide! Positions available at elementary or middle school level. Apply online at https://www.wyckoffps.org/page/employment-opportunities Need flexible days/ hours? Call to inquire 201-848-5700 x6202 or x6208.
over 1 year ago, Wyckoff School District
KRO Outdoor Block Play
over 1 year ago, Danielle Rowland
KRO Outdoor Block Play
KRO Outdoor Block Play
KRO Outdoor Block Play