Thank you Mrs. Viaud for your art push in lesson! KR enjoyed finding different colors in nature!
KR used tools and materials to design and build a structure that will reduce the warming effect of sunlight on a surface! Great thinking KR!
Learning about shadows and how they change throughout the day in KR!
KR learned about the warming effect of the sun!
Understanding how clouds work and making it rain in KK!
KRO participated in the Kindness Chalk activity and left kind messages outside. Spread some kindness today!
KRO Writers add detail to their writing.
Outdoor block play in KRO!
KRO going on a nature walk and collecting items.
Another set of finished self-portraits in first, 1Z!
First set of first grade portraits complete! Great job 1C!!
Artists in 1st grade worked hard to capture all the details that make us unique in the self-portraits! After matching our skin color we worked hard to added decorative backgrounds!
5C kicked off our Week of Respect with some wonderful and meaningful kindness messages with our Kindness Chalk Activity!! 🥰❤️🥰
Students are working hard to capture their unique details! We discussed how we could resemble ourselves by finding our skin color! Thanks to @Crayola Colors of the World collection and learning to mix different shades, we were able to observe and find our perfect color 🫶🏻🫶🏼🫶🏽🫶🏾🫶🏿
KR partner reading outdoors on this beautiful fall day!
KRO builds the setting for The Three Little Bears!
2L will be getting our class pet on Monday! To help us prepare, we brainstormed questions that we had about hamsters and then read books to try to learn as much as we could. We are now ready to take care of Marshmallow Summer and can’t wait to meet her! @MrsLutzer #inquiry
Book Buddies! 5C and 1C were so happy to meet each other!!
Working on one to one correspondence in our math centers!
Makerspace in KR! Great creations including a robot with a backpack, an iPad, sailboats, and more!