KK had a wonderful Halloween celebration thanks to our fabulous KK parents! Thank you! 🎃
4 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
Halloween class photo
Halloween class photo
capt Hook
bean bag toss
pin the spider on the web
Halloween bingo
making bracelets
Thank you to the KR parent volunteers for arranging such fun Halloween activities! The children really had fun and will remember today as a special K memory!
4 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
ring toss
science experiement
science experiment
halloween craft
ring toss
ring toss
class party
Happy Halloween from KR!
4 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
Class picture for Halloween!
KR learned how rain forms and had fun replicating the process!
4 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
children with rain cloud
children with rain cloud
children with rain cloud
children with rain cloud
child with rain cloud
child with rain cloud
KR is learning about personal space! Thank you Mrs. Lynch for the fun and important lesson!
4 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
Child with hoop
child with hoop
child with hoop
child with hoop
child with hoop
children with hoop
Thank you to Mrs. Lynch for teaching KK about respecting one another's personal space.
4 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
Boys and girls standing in hula hoops
boys and girls standing in hula hoops
The children in KK were challenged to work in groups to build houses of straw, sticks & bricks. Would their structures stand up against the “Huff & Puff” of the big bad wolf (hairdryer)? 🐷🐷🐷🐺
4 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
children building with various materials
boy building with various materials
children building with various materials
children building with various materials
children building with various materials
KK discovers that the creative possibilities are endless when using the outdoor blocks! A race car, a leaf blower, weights and a playground!
4 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
boys playing with outdoor blocks
boy playing with outdoor blocks
girl playing with outdoor blocks
children playing with outdoor blocks
boy playing with outdoor blocks
KR designed, built, and tested structures that would help "Harry," from the star book Harry by the Sea, to stay cool and that would help reduce the warming effects of the sun! It was a perfect day to test the structures!
4 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
children holding creations
child with creation
child with creation
child with creation
child with creation
child with creation
Child with creation
Reading our star books in KR! Learning how to read with a story-telling voice!
4 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
child reading
children reading
children reading
children reading
Researchers in 1D interviewed Their family members to learn where their families originated from! Some countries include Italy, Turkey, Austria and more! Students pick one of their countries of origin to research and create their own country books!
4 months ago, Julia Danon
student researching country
student researching country
student researching country
map of countries where student’s families originate from
1D worked in partnerships during Morning Meeting to solve the sum in our number bond!
4 months ago, Julia Danon
children solving number bond
children solving number bond
children solving number bond
KK students enjoyed the summer-like weather today! ☀️
5 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
girls smiling
boy on playground
boy on playground
boy on playground
girls on playground
boy on playground
children on playground
boy on playground
boys on playground
children on playground
After listening to the story, "Piper and Purpa Forever!" by Susan Lendroth, the students in KK were able to make their own connections and tell their own stories through their artwork. 📖🎨
5 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
girl painting
boy painting
girl painting
boy painting
girl painting
boy painting
boy painting
KK students collaborate in groups to design a bridge out of blocks for their retelling of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."
5 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
students building with blocks
students building with blocks
students building with blocks
students building with blocks
students building with blocks
children with puppets and blocks
Check out the students in KK taking ownership of their learning! They get to pick their favorite way to practice high-frequency words, ensuring a fun and engaging learning experience.
5 months ago, Jennifer Kerin
girl with play dough
girl writing
boy writing
boy writing
boy writing
girl writing
5K Book Clubs underway!! They are engaged, excited and learning through reading! 📚
5 months ago, Joanne Certo
book clubs
A perfect day to learn about wind! KR used wind kites to determine the direction and strength of the wind!
5 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
children holding wind kites
child with wind kite
child with wind kite
child with wind kite
children holding wind kites
KR was so excited today to have Mr. Blake read a story to the class! We definitely attend a "fine fine school." Thank you Mr. Blake!
5 months ago, Jayne Ramirez
principal reading story
5C Book Clubs underway. Sharing, writing about and comprehending their reading together!! 📚❤️📚
5 months ago, Joanne Certo