KR students enjoy to partner read and share favorite parts of the book!
KR students working hard at Makerspace! We made trucks, tea cups, pumpkins, ships, and more and shared our creations with our classmates!
KR enjoys interactive math activities!
KK students use different mediums to show their many identities (swimmer, surfer, dancer, baseball player, etc.)
KK students work together to make a movie theater!
Partner reading in KRO
KRO uses blocks to build the setting for The Three Bears & puppets to retell the story
KR created the setting for The Three Bears and retold the story with puppets of the characters!
KRO practices rhyming in Word Study
KK has "adopted" a tree to sketch and track change through the seasons. 🌳
5C and 1C meet for the first book buddy share!! What a great morning reading with each other. 🍎📚❤️
1M is full of readers! We love our independent reading time and partner reading with our "cozy spots."
1M created their hopes and dreams for first grade. Then, worked together to come up with rules that would help us all reach these important goals.
KR enjoyed a lesson with Mrs. Lynch! Thank you for describing the role of the school counselor and how we can use the calming kit to feel better it we get upset, mad, or sad!
Makerspace in KR- thinking, designing, and building cardboard creations! We made cameras, airplanes, binoculars, robots, and more!
KK students enjoy partner reading with new friends!
KK enjoyed math outdoors using natural loose parts!
Turn & Talk practicing in 2W! Second graders are knee to knee, making eye contact, and sharing what they love for their heart maps!
KRO builds the setting for The Little Red Hen
KRO practicing their reading skills